Friday, October 15, 2010

Meetings And Estimation

I found out today that high level estimation meetings for complicated, ill defined requirements, with a large group of people who each have different levels of understanding for all of the systems involved == long frustrating meetings with little or no ROI

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Custom to_xml for ActiveRecord classes

In an attempt to product client definable API returns, Dean Radcliffe, Jake Scruggs and I decided that using the local files would be a good idea. I mentioned this in a previous post. It is a great idea, and the execution is pretty sweet as well.

I am currently fighting with a way to do the sub level arrays such as

Document has many Document tags

So a layout like
   <tag>Tag 1</tag>
   <tag>Tag 2 </tag>

where Tags are objects themselves

I got a solution working but it is course and not using Builder XML.

It uses <<--DOCXML DOCXML tags and internally hand hacked xml arguments.


  def to_xmls
    xml_class_fetch = self.class.to_s.downcase
    buff = <<-EOF
    #{ClientConfig.get("xml_export.#{xml_class_fetch}").map do | xml_field_name, method_call |
    case method_call
    when Symbol
      val = self.send(method_call)
    when String
      val = self.instance_eval(method_call)

    if val.is_a?(Array)
      val = do |element|
        if element.respond_to?(:name)
          element_call =
        elsif element.respond_to?(:identifier)
          element_call = element.identifier


where the feed looks like

      # TODO - may add XML element names etc ...
      - ["other-id", :other_id]
      - ['created-at', :created_at]
      - ['tags', "tags.to_a"]

As one can imagine, I am not happy with this solution at all.

If any one has any better suggestions to return valid XML with nested elements that are part of the model's has_and_belongs_to_many as well as other types of associations, please feel free to shoot me a tweet or comment.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Rails Join Tables


Bad morning. Took me 30 min to find out that the reason I was throwing an error on a controler was not due to bad code, but due to a bad migration that I wrote.

When writing the join table migration I neglected to specify that there was no primary key. Oracle HATES this.

  def self.up
    drop_table :email_blasts_users
    create_table :email_blasts_users, :id => false do |j|
      j.references :email_blast
      j.references :user

Make sure to have that :id => false if you don't want your database to yell at you.